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video tutorials

Instructions for operating the heater

Time and day setting

Switch between modes

Uhrzeit | Modi einstellen

Setting the temperatures from comfort - eco - antifreeze

Daily and weekly programming

Temperaturen setzen

Activate & deactivate display

Display aktivieren/deativieren
Erweiterter Modus

Advanced programming mode

Add device to app

Weekly programming with the app

Heizung hinzufügen
Heizung einrichten

Set up heating with the app

Programme erstellen
Abwesenheitsfunktion einrichten

Set up the out-of-office function with the app

Smartbox registrieren
Benutzer & Kennwort ändern

Register Smartbox in the app

Change user and password in the app

Set maximum power in the app

Max. Leistung einstellen
Gäste einladen

Invite and add guests to the app

Temp-Sensor richtig setzen

Position the temperature sensor correctly for surface storage heaters

Explanatory videos for the extended programming mode: What does C1 to C7 mean?

C1 : switching from °C to °F

C2 : Type of temperature measurement and control

C3 : Calibrate temperature probe

C4 : Show firmware version

C5 : Enable "open window" detection

C6 : Enable adaptive launch control

C1 bis C7 Untermenü

C7 : Switch to simplified, manual  operation

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